ST Telemedia

Ignite Enduring Change for a Sustainable Tomorrow

We are committed to drive sustainable, long-term value and growth for our business and stakeholders, motivated by our purpose to catalyse change that unlocks potential.

A Spark that Ignited Our Story

ST Telemedia was established in the early 90s to tap into the growth potential of the telecommunications sector. Since 1994, we have kept our focus on generating long-term value through our investments in innovative information and communications technology businesses globally. We have demonstrated a strong track record of growing our businesses into market leaders in both developed and high-growth markets. Trace the first 25 years of our journey here.

Collaborate for Sustainable Value Creation

Collaboration creates sustainable progress. Applying a disciplined investor-operator mindset, we work closely with portfolio companies and business partners to achieve growth and mutual success.

We are guided by our mission: Invest. Build. Grow. Contribute.


We monitor global macro trends and invest in opportunities presented by companies whose business models complement and add value to our capabilities.


We adopt a synergy by design and strength in diversity investment approach to build a portfolio of distinct, yet interrelated businesses to propel value creation.


We deploy capital and expertise, manage risk, and engage with our companies at strategic and operational levels to support them as they develop and expand.


We build leading platforms and create market champions that facilitate business growth and help advance societies.

A Passionate & Diverse Team

People are the backbone of our company. Our people are passionate about what we do and bring diverse experience, skills and perspectives to the company.

ST Telemedia Snapshots

Investing since


Group-wide employees

> 5,000

Across Asia, North America and Europe

Group Revenue





through direct and indirect presence

Our Global Presence